Oh, it's on mold. You're going down!
Armed with my bleach and Tilex (which I had to search for because the shelves were empty as I apparently am not alone in my battle) I am officially taking back this house!
As of right now, I am on a break because my trusty bleach sidekick is burning my retinas out, or something like that. A piece of advice here, don't create your bleach solution when you are currently disgusted and fed up with whatever situation you are trying to dissolve. Because as you watch the bleach flow from the bottle into the bucket and that smell, the glorious smell of clean moldlessness, rises into your nostrils you go all mad scientist on the thing and start really dumping it in there, laughing your wicked, take over the world laugh. I think it goes something like this.....
muah ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
I'm pretty sure I'm working at about 75% bleach, 25% water. Hey, let's all just be grateful I didn't just open the bottle and start sloshing the stuff around full strength - the thought crossed my mind more than once.
Yeah, yeah, I know the the danger of bleach, and mixing it and all that. I mean, why do you think I didn't start bleaching the house sooner? Because under normal circumstances I don't even let it in my house. I actually had to go buy it. Chlorine is awful stuff, and just plain terrible for our environment. Normally, I hardly use any household cleaners at all. Water works fine in place of windex, just dry the darn mirror off with a towel you're good to go. Thank you Hippie Mom for teaching me that one (T's mom has just officially been renamed) And there are many eco-friendly cleaning alternatives on the market that will serve you just fine. Normally.
But this isn't normal. Oh no. This is a case of poor California Girl who has never experienced any real true humidity in her life moving to the humidity capital of the world, all ignorant and naive along with her husband, California Boy.
"Oh honey, my Seventh Generation Shower Cleaner will work just fine! It always has!"
"Sure dear," says California Boy, "and let's just close the doors to these other rooms we don't use when we turn on the air conditioner, to save electricity and all. No need to cool rooms we don't use."
And there, right there was our major, major downfall. For those poor, cut-off rooms are coming back to haunt me. Don't you worry toy room, guest room, guest bath, boy's bath and master bath, I shall never, never neglect you again - no matter if I have to sacrifice this planet in order to do so!!!!
Okay, so that's a little overdramatic - but c'mon, my nose hairs are singed, my clothes are bleach spotty, my eyes are on fire and I'm high on chlorine. What'd you expect?
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
1 day ago