Last Sunday was such a nice day. So nice, in fact, I am still thinking about it on Thursday.
I woke up in the morning with L, while the others slept in, and was surprised to see my house had fared rather well from the shenanigans the night before. I tossed L into the stroller with a pumpkin muffin, grabbed the dog, and went for a nice long walk.
We stopped to let an adorable baby pet/bang on Murphy for a few minutes. I did my best to communicate with his mom, but really neither of us knew what the heck we were saying until we got to "bye-bye!"
As we got closer to home I looked up and saw something I haven't seen the entire time we've lived here.

Maybe I have been too distracted to notice them. Maybe Sunday was the clearest sunniest day we've had since moving here. Maybe they just popped up last week. Whatever the reason they have eluded me, I was very excited to see them.
And, to make myself feel better, I just checked out the window for those same mountains and they are gone again. So it's not as if they've been staring me in the face for six months. They're tricky.
I walked the rest of the way home feeling grateful. Grateful for the mountains, for being able to experience this amazing country, for my kids and my husband and an overall pretty damn good life.
What's that you say? The world's economy is in the crapper and a fairly respectable man chose some crazy lady to be his vice presidential running mate? La-la-la-la-la *fingers in ears* - I can't hear you today. Not on my perfect Sunday.
We arrived home and T made breakfast and then I grabbed a cup of coffee, a magazine and sat out on the front porch for hours. T commented that we must be getting old. I don't know, but I was able to peacefully drink coffee and read an entire magazine in just one sitting. If that's getting old, I like it!!
Then, while my oldest baby was off playing "Aliens" I sat and watched my youngest baby do this...
And then this...
And eventually, worried the inside of my home might be feeling a bit neglected and lonely since it's used to always having me around, I joined it to do this for the rest of the evening...
And it was good.