Every year I sew the boys' Halloween costumes. My mom made mine and I swore I would do the same for my children. It's definitely not about saving money - that's for sure. It's about making memories, and lots and lots of cuteness. However, since letting M take control over the great Halloween Costume Decision things have really gotten crazy.
First, I have to take you back to the good ol' days, the days when I got to choose, and could stick to something I knew I could pull off.
Remember this adorableness?

Okay, so I don't know if adorableness is actually a word, but it pretty much sums up my cutie-pie. Here's year two (mommy was still in charge)...

And then, the third Halloween, when I most reluctantly released control of the costume decision making. The year of the Dinosaur! And not just any dinosaur. A Stegosaurus. One whose plates had to be just so - and the spikes, just right! I had birthed a perfectionist, who insisted on complete accuracy - and it was rough!

We are all aware of M's deep, unshakeable love of Transformers. We all knew what was coming. I started my research early and together M & I came up with this! I'm pretty sure it almost killed me. We're talking multiple prototypes, duct tape, spray paint and of course, sewing. I was working late into the night on October 30th. Certainly nothing could ever be as difficult as this one...

And now...this????

Let me reiterate - Giant. Blue. Spikes. Coming out the back of his head!!!!!
Why does my son hate me? Why do I let him do this to me?
It's gotta be that adorableness thing...

He's using it against me.